Thursday, 28 July 2011

Hot Water Beach.

Further up the Coromandel east coast is Hot Water Beach. It's voted one of the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world. Although very, very nice we wouldn't have listed it quite so high. The big feature of the beach is it's thermal hot spots at low tide. We headed down at night when low tide was, equipped with a shovel we had acquired earlier in the trip. We followed the directions we had been given and eventually discovered the familiar 'eggy' smell of sulphur and saw steam rising on the shoreline. We excitedly started digging and shuffling our feet to be rewarded with very hot water. We saw glowing objects in the sea (not sure what). On the way back along the dark path back to our camp site we were surprised to see lots of glow worms along the path. They were great!
We headed back to the beach early the next morning but this time there were 50 plus people all competing for the small thermal area. Instead of battling in out for hot water we put our shovel to good use and made an octopus on the beach. People were looking at us sympathetically, obviously thinking we were digging in the wrong spot looking for the thermals.

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