Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Rain, wind and heat stop play

We have worked through some very different weather conditions. From temperatures in the mid 40's, winds that we thought would blow us off thed ladders, and heavy rain. One day it was 33 degrees at night and the next day was 15 degrees.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a bit hair raising working in the wind up a ladder with the sun beating down on you.Just been to a computer lesson at seamer school jaimee is typing this out for me its 20:30 and andrew is coming for her at 21:00.Just been eating chocolate digestives supposed to be slimming will go to the gym tommorow and run them off dad is much better now the scabs have nearly all gone jaimee is enjoying school now she had a tough time last week she was being bullied rachel phoned up and got it sorted out have to go now andrew is here and jaimee has to go andrew sends his love speak soon xxxxxx mum,dad jaimee , andrew
