Saturday, 9 October 2010

Messanges – wasn’t to be!

During the few contest lay days we had some great surfs in Moliets but twice we attempted to try out the neighbouring beach, Messanges, as we were told by a few people that the sand bars were particularly good this year.
Our first attempt was on a morning we’d stayed on an aire 10 minutes away in Moliets and arrived at the beach for first light. We checked it but decided to give it half an hour for the tide to retreat a bit, in which time we did what any English person with a spare half hour on their hands would do, we put the kettle on! The tea bags had barely had time to infuse when we had a knock on the van from a police man asking if we’d slept there (as this is illegal), when we explained we hadn’t, I’m not sure how convinced he was as early mornings doesn’t seem to be a thing the French see for pleasure. Anyway the tide didn’t improve the waves so we went back to Moliets.
Second attempt – The next morning we did the same thing, headed to Messanges for first light to check the surf, only this time when approaching the car park, instead of it being empty it was practically overflowing, we thought we must have missed something important on the swell forecast and misjudged the French surfers on their commitment to early mornings. When we reached the top of the sand dunes we were met with a sight that we definitely weren’t expecting; 100+ fishermen wearing head torches competing in some sort of fishing championships. BEACH CLOSED!! We didn’t check the surf there again.

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